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Launch of the 5G-Campus-Network for the Smart Systems Hub in Dresden, Neustadt

CampusGenius and albis-elcon announce the launch and handover of the newly constructed 5G-campus-network for the Smart Systems Hub at Dresden Neustadt train station.

The Smart Systems Hub is part of the Federal Ministry’s Digital Hub Initiative, in which twelve Digital Hubs form a strong network that promotes the exchange of technological and business expertise and thus enables innovation.

The Hub is the contact point for companies in industry and infrastructure that want to break new ground – especially with solutions for smart systems in IT, in production and now also with 5G connectivity.

The Smart Systems Hub is located together with start-ups and technology companies in a large co-working space directly at Dresden Neustadt train station. In this space, the campus network is now also available free of charge to drive developments in the area of 5G.

The 5G-Campus-network is provided as part of a research project for the development of 5G applications on behalf of TU Dresden.

The newly commissioned 5G-campus-network was installed in recent weeks as a stand-alone (SA) 5G-campus-network in the Smart Systems Hub in collaboration between albis-elcon system Germany, a German system supplier for broadband technology together with Campus Genius, technology leader for core systems and the deployment of 5G-campus mobile networks.

“We deliberately chose a 5G-campus-network because, as a closed network, it offers particularly high data security and correspondingly high connection quality. This enables our partners to develop new applications every day and also test them live here at the site,” reports Michael Kaiser, CEO of Smart Systems Hub.

“The Internet of Things (IoT) poses major digital challenges for companies. With increasing networking, 5G is thus becoming – and in some cases already is – a competitive factor. We actively support companies in entering this new technology.”

A key to the digitalisation of companies is the wireless networking of production facilities, machines and plants. This can enable automated and efficient production processes. 5G technology offers good prerequisites for this, such as extremely high bandwidth, low latencies and improved availability.

As a closed mobile network, a campus network provides a particularly high level of data security as well as the guaranteed availability of high bandwidths with a defined data throughput.

“To ensure that digitisation does not remain just a political keyword, but that its realisation also results in meaningful applications and becomes real in Europe, we are investing and working on new technologies and systems for 5G, 6G and their networking and implementation at our research and development centres in Germany and Switzerland. The new 5G campus network for Smart Systems Hub in Dresden is an important milestone on this path,” emphasises Werner Neubauer, CEO of albis-elcon.

The 5G-campus-network in the Smart Systems Hub is intended to offer all companies the opportunity to try out the future of data transmission for themselves. The special feature of the 5G-campus-network in the Smart Systems Hub is that a 5G core specially developed by CampusGenius for 5G-campus networks is used here, which on the one hand enables more performance and on the other hand offers more customisation options for applications.

The implementation of this project is the result of the strategic cooperation between albis-elcon and CampusGenius to work together on system and market development and integration of 5G- campus-networks and WiFi 6 to implement seamless transitions between both technologies, positioning in the cm range and optimal redundant radio coverage to meet the highest requirements for the quality of communication networks.

About CampusGenius

CampusGenius is a young company founded in 2020 in Dresden and Berlin, Germany. CampusGenius is dedicated to the planning, construction and operation of 5G campus networks as well as the integration of applications. CampusGenius was founded by mobile communications experts and researchers from the Deutsche Telekom Chair for Communication Networks at TU Dresden, whose experience in core architecture, management and configuration of 5G campus networks is transferred into the company. CampusGenius uses software and hardware solutions from well-known manufacturers, but also offers its own developed 5G core Software and OSS.

CampusGenius – Dedication to Communication.

About albis-elcon

albis-elcon delivers products, solutions and services that help companies, primarily communication service providers to build and operate better networks and reduce the energy needed. With 15 million installed devices in more than 40 countries, the company is well-positioned to deliver software defined and virtualization enabling gigabit networking for Cloud computing, enterprise access, mobile backhaul and 5G Campus networks.

Superior-engineered hardware, software, network management, and implementation services manage complexity and provide sustainable, secure communication.

albis-elcon — power to complete networks.

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About Smart Systems Hub

Smart Systems Hub – Enabling IoT is Europe’s largest one-stop shop for the Internet of Things (IoT). With a network of over 450 partners – including key partners such as Infineon, SAP, T-Systems and Globalfoundries – it has extensive expertise in the IoT core components of software, hardware and connectivity. On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), it transfers innovations from one of the largest microelectronic and IT clusters in Germany to industrial applications. For this purpose, it enables access to reference solutions and technologies (IoT Lab) and develops concepts, prototypes and first product versions in a methodically guided co-innovation process in no more than three months.
